The Cleaning Process For Vacation and Short-Term Rentals with Sean Kemper

Cleaning Processes with Jerry
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Making The Cleaning Process Easier and Cost-Efficient with Sean Kemper

Many people are reluctant to clean their homes and workplaces because they feel it is time-consuming and tedious. However, when renting places and coming out of the pandemic, you need to put your best foot forward to get protect your guests and get great ratings.

In this amazing episode, Jerry Bauer, podcast host, and Sales Consultant of ChemStation Boston, interviews Sean Kemper. Sean is the owner of ETI solutions and Kemper Industries, which focuses on helping vacation & short-term rentals understand the cleaning process.

Sean shares how Kemper industries formulate and manufacture their chemicals and how they sell their products. Moreover, he shares how the Drop n Go program helps transport their products and how it helps their clients operate on a small budget by using minimal cost-efficient products. 

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